Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Weekly Weigh In - July 27, 2016


  • May 4              300.0
  • May 11            290.8
  • May 18            289.6
  • May 25            287.2
  • June 1              285.6
  • June 8              282.2
  • June 15            279.0
  • June 22            277.0
  • June 29            275.0
  • July 6              270.0
  • July 13            267.4
  • July 20            264.6
  • July 27            263.8


  • May 4              49.9
  • June 1              47.6
  • June 8              47.0
  • June 15            46.4
  • June 22            46.1
  • June 29            45.7
  • July 6              44.9
  • July 13            44.5
  • July 20            44.1
  • July 27            44.0



I have lost 36.2, so I have 96.3 to go (based on the 167.5 goal weight).  I am now 27% done. 


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Weekly Weigh In - July 20, 2016


  • May 4              300.0
  • May 11            290.8
  • May 18            289.6
  • May 25            287.2
  • June 1              285.6
  • June 8              282.2
  • June 15            279.0
  • June 22            277.0
  • June 29            275.0
  • July 6               270.0
  • July 13             267.4
  • July 20             264.6


  • May 4              49.9
  • June 1              47.6
  • June 8              47.0
  • June 15            46.4
  • June 22            46.1
  • June 29            45.7
  • July 6               44.9
  • July 13             44.5
  • July 20             44.0

I have lost 35.4, so I have 97.1 to go (based on the 167.5 goal weight).  Woot!  Less than 100!!!  I am now 26.7% done.  Wheeeee! 

I still do pretty okay on a daily basis.  I stay within my calorie budget (currently 1,150.00 calories).  My gallbladder needs to come out – this weight loss plan was the coup de grace for it (it actually started kicking up when I was on Medifast a long time ago, and has sporadically bothered me since).  I have a fair amount of pain from it, and am looking forward to not having the pain any more.

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Food Police

I am 75 days into my eating plan, motoring along for the most part, down 34+ pounds.
Why, then, do people feel they have to “help” me?  My DH (“Dear” or “Damned” Husband, depending on the usage) is the worst offender.
Example A:  We are at the birthday party of a close family friend.  DH announces to all present that I am on a “severely restricted diet” and therefore cannot have cake.  Now, mind you, I had not said anything about eating or not eating cake (and I even helped cut and serve it).  It, of course, caused a lot of unwelcome glances and chatter.  You know “the look” – when someone hears you, the fat chick, are on a diet and they look you up and down super closely (judging how much the diet is needed?  How much the diet has worked or not worked?).  I *hate* “the look”.  I again reminded DH that *I* can handle my eating situations without his intervention.  He said he was only trying to “help”.  His help does not help me.
Example B:  Then, when out to eat at a barbeque place this weekend, I am ordering a salad and he butts in to tell the server that I cannot have the onion straws in the salad.  I knew they were there, I knew the calorie load, I had not yet decided to eat them or not, but I had already requested them on the side in case I did not want to eat them.  Really, truly I am a grown person who can manage what goes in her mouth without his “assistance”.  He now rambles on about diet and the nutrition of food as if he is a paragon of virtue and font of diet knowledge.  He is neither.  And, my eating plan is in no way about him; it is about me.  When I said that I do not need his help, he erupted and has not talked to me since.
I *hate* being food policed.

And I *refuse* to let DH (and, just for the record, it is *not* "Dear" today) derail my success.  I am doing this for *me*.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Progress Photos

I have been on this journey since May 4. I am finally starting to see some changes.
The first three photos are from May 4th.


The next three photos are from early June

 The last three photos are from early July


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Weight Progress - July 6, 2016


May 4              300
May 11            290.8
May 18            289.6
May 25            287.2
June 1              285.6
June 8              282.2
June 15            279.0
June 22            277.0
June 29            275.00
July 6               270.00


May 4              49.9
June 1              47.6
June 8              47.0
June 15            46.4
June 22            46.1
June 29            45.7
July 6              44.9

My BMI is now 44.9.  I am edging towards being out of the “Obese Class III” range (the highest health risk).  I have to be 240 pounds to get into “Obese Class II”.  My goal weight (167.5) will leave me in the “overweight” category, but I am trying to come to peace with that.  To get into the “Normal” category, I would have to be under 150.  I am unsure if I can get there and stay there.  I was last 152 in my teens (40+ years ago).  I think I was in late elementary or early middle school when I was *under* 150.  I just want to have more energy and less weight-related health issues.  My doctor would be *thrilled* if I got to 167.5 and stayed right around there.
World Health Organization BMI Chart

BMI range - kg/m2
Severe Thinness
< 16
Moderate Thinness
16 - 17
Mild Thinness
17 - 18.5
18.5 - 25
25 - 30
Obese Class I
30 - 35
Obese Class II
35 - 40
Obese Class III
> 40

I have lost 30, so I have 102.5 to go (based on the 167.5 goal weight).  I will be happy when that number is less than 100 (I have lost 100 before and know that I can do it).  I am now 22.6% done.  Wheeeee!

I do pretty okay on a daily basis.  I stay within my calorie budget (currently 1,150 calories).  I will admit that I subtract what I really want to eat first, then fill in the rest (on occasion).  And, I have had a day when alcohol was my main calorie source.  However, I have shown myself what level of dedication and deprivation allows for that (and I would choose carefully if I elect to do this again), in order to continue to make progress and lose weight.  Sort of takes the "fun" out of eating high calorie, high carb or sugary stuff.  I *can" do it, but I will not enjoy it much after (while I eat nothing else or exercise to burn it off).
